Every year, Canada welcomes 300,000 immigrants from all over the world (Statistica Research Department, 2021). Although immigrants make up almost 22% of the total population, they shockingly still do not receive equitable healthcare as compared to their born-Canadian counterparts (Statistica Research Department, 2021; Ahmed et al., 2015). Reasons for the lack of health equity among immigrants in Canada are cultural barriers, language and communication barriers, socio-economic barriers, and lack of information provided to immigrants about the Canadian healthcare system (Ahmed et al., 2015). Each barrier in immigrant health inequity is related to different Social Determinants of Health seen in the image below (Comox Valley Community Health Network, n.d.).
The first reason for health inequity among immigrants is cultural barriers, which would fall into the diversity and inclusion sector of the Social Determinants of Health (Ahmed et al., 2015; Comox Valley Community Health Network, n.d). Cultural barriers for immigrants could include difficulties in adjusting to the Canadian lifestyle (Ahmed et al., 2015). Food changes, alterations in practicing religion or belief systems, and differences in the structure of day-to-day life are all factors that can negatively impact an immigrant’s overall mental and physical health giving them lower health equity (Ahmed et al., 2015). When accessing the medical system, culturally safe care must be provided to avoid this barrier (Long, 2010). Importance on culturally safe care must be placed to provide knowledge to healthcare workers about different cultures and religions so that unbiased care can be provided (Long, 2010). Next, language and communication barriers are a major cause of health inequity among immigrants (Ahmed et al., 2015). Language and communication difficulties can also fall under the diversity and inclusion sector of the Social Determinants of Health (Comox Valley Community Health Network, n.d). Immigrants can often feel shy when accessing healthcare and feel that their needs are not being fully met due to language or communication barriers (Ahmed et al., 2015). Having language interpreters available in hospitals is key to improving immigrant health inequity overall (Long, 2010). Another barrier immigrants face that can negatively impact health equity are socio-economic barriers which fall under the income and social status section of the Social Determinants of Health (Ahmed et al., 2015; Comox Valley Community Health Network, n.d). Since Canada has a universal healthcare system, socioeconomic status does not prevent someone from seeking care, but it can worsen health making immigrants more vulnerable to health inequity (Ahmed et al., 2015). The lower-paying jobs that newcomers to Canada may have often do not provide health benefits or paid sick time (Ahmed et al., 2015). Many people avoid calling in sick or going to the doctor because they will miss work and not get paid (Ahmed et al., 2015). By delaying doctor visits, rates of chronic diseases can go up making immigrants have lower health equity (Long, 2010). The last reason for health inequity among immigrants in Canada is their lack of information about the healthcare system (Ahmed et al., 2015). This barrier would fall under the education portion of the Social Determinants of Health (Comox Valley Community Health Network, n.d). When newcomers arrive in Canada, they are not usually told where or how to access care (Ahmed et al., 2015). The lack of knowledge provides a huge difficulty for immigrants and can delay them from visiting a health facility when necessary (Ahmed et al., 2015). As mentioned previously, delaying visits with healthcare professionals can lead to a higher risk of chronic health conditions and even death (Long, 2010). Immigrants need to be provided with all the information necessary to access care when coming to Canada to improve their health equity (Long, 2010). Therefore, each of these barriers must be addressed and minimized to improve the health equity of immigrants.
In my research, I found it impossible to find anything related to supporting immigrants and their health from my health authority, Interior Health, or the Provincial Health Services Authority. Support services to accommodate immigrants need to be put in place by health authorities to improve health equity. Just because an individual is from a different country, does not make them any less Canadian and they deserve the same respect and access to resources and healthcare as any other Canadian.
Ahmed, S., Shommu, N. S., Rumana, N., Barron, G. R., Wicklum, S., & Turin, T. C. (2015). Barriers to access of primary healthcare by immigrant populations in Canada: A literature review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(6), 1522–1540. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-015-0276-z
Comox Valley Community Health Network. (n.d.). Determinants of Health. Comox Valley Community Health Network. Retrieved March 25, 2022, from https://www.cvchn.ca/determinants-of-health
Long, P. (2010, March). Improving Health Care System Responses to Chronic Disease among British Columbia’s Immigrant, Refugee, and Corrections Population. BC Centre for Disease Control. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from http://www.bccdc.ca/pop-public-health/Documents/RHILitReviewKeyFindingsImmigrants.pdf
Statista Research Department. (2021, September 10). Immigration in Canada: Statistics & Facts. Statista. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https://www.statista.com/topics/2917/immigration-in-canada/#topicHeader__wrapper